The fourth edition
Released after rigorous research, Everything You Need to Know About Non-Life Insurance in South Africa' succinctly covers the non-life insurance sector in thirteen chapters.
The 400-page text covers diverse topics such as risk pricing, systemic risk and the impact of technology on insurance industry stakeholders, providing a comprehensive snapshot of current trends and regulatory changes.
Backed by leading insurance brands this resource is crucial for anyone in the non-life insurance discipline. It serves as a quick reference, rich with the latest market statistics and insights, essential for navigating the complexities of the industry.
Chapters in the fourth edition
A discussion of the main insurance disciplines and the crucial concepts of risk management and risk transfer, as applied in non-life insurance.

Important concepts
A quick introduction to the concepts and theory that makes non-life insurance possible.

Risk pricing
The risk pricing basics that insurers' product pricing teams apply in calculating a sustainable premium for their insurance covers.

An investigation into how non-life insurance fits into the economy and financial services sector from a business and individual consumer perspective.

Systemic risk
A brief introduction to large and systemic risks in the context of the non-life insurance industry's response to climate change, the global financial crisis and pandemic.

Business forms
A consideration of the main forms of non-life insurance businesses operating in South Africa and a brief introduction to the activities and functions they undertake.

Ins. landscape
Reflections on the SA non-life insurance and insurance broker markets, including type and size of business and insurance classes.

Ins. Classes
A brief introduction to the classes of insurance cover offered by South African non-life insurers to business and individual insureds.

Fin. Statements
The basics of non-life insurer financial statements, and some of the standards that SA auditors apply when drawing them up.

An analysis of technology trends and non-life insurers' responses to them, including investment and operating practices and product enhancements.

Reg. Overview
An overview of South Africa's financial sector regulatory environment including how law is made and by who.

Reg. Proposed
An overview of South Africa's financial sector regulatory environment including how law is made and by who.

Ins. Law
An overview of the laws currently in force in South Africa's financial services sector, especially those applicable to non-life insurers.

The glossary contained in the first, second and third editions of this comprehensive non-life insurance text has moved online.